Welcome to Mindpark


Welcome to Mindpark Lund!

We want to be a work space that is characterized by openness, where you dare to ask for help and brag when things are going well. We want to be a space where we all thrive. We want to give you the best possible service and to be able to do that, we ask you to read through this guide. Together we create the best workplace! 💛

Alarm routines and opening hours

Our reception is usually open and staffed on weekdays between 09.00-15.00. If the reception is closed you can always use your tag + code to get in to the reception area. To get in to the office hotel you need your tag during the weekdays between 08.30 – 17.00. Code in only needed if you arrive early in the morning, evenings and weekends. To get in to floor 2 (above the reception) you first have to use the code 4789 on the front door and then your tag inside. The entire alley is closed with gates in the evening between 22.00 – 06.00. During these hours you can always get out by using a key located in the reception but not in to the alley. If you need to get in when it’s closed let us know and we’ll find a solution.

Evenings and weekends

In addition to our regular opening hours, the alarm is on and the doors are locked. The area is locked when the red lamp on the keypad lights up  🔴 . To turn off the alarm and open the door: 

  • Press the “A” button and make sure it does a beeping sound (“A” as in “arrival”)
  • Hold your tag against the keypad
  • Press your code
  • A green light will show and the alarm is turned off
  • Open the door by holding your tag against the keypad and press your code

See below for how to easily turn it off.  If you are sitting in an office room during those hours, make sure that you hear when the sirens are sounding. Might be good to open your door and not use headphones. 

Your tag will be blocked if you enter the wrong code 3 times in a row. Then it is not possible to enter and you have to contact us so we can reactivate it. We can only do this during our regular opening hours. 

To turn off the siren once it starts sounding 

If a loud siren sounds while you’re in the room, you need to turn it off. To alarm and open the door, do the following:

  • Get out of Mindpark through one of our front doors
  • Press the “A” button (“A” as in “arrival”). Make sure it does a beeping sound.
  • Hold your tag against the keypad
  • Press your code
  • A green light will show and the alarm is turned off 🟢
  • Open the door by holding your tag against the keypad and press your code.

Turning on the alarm 

If you are the last one leaving the reception area you should always turn the alarm on. If you are in the office area turn only the alarm on if you are sure you are the last one leaving after 20.00 or if you are here at weekends. After leaving the area, do the following:

  • Press the “B” button on the keypad 
  • Hold your tag against the keypad
  • Press your code
  • The warning siren starts to sound – everything is in order it will do this for 2 minutes 
  • Red light is on and the alarm is on

The siren sounds to warn possible people who remain in the building so they have a chance to deactivate the alarm before it’s switched on. It is on for 2 minutes. 📣

Don’t forget to close the windows and turn off the lights when you leave. 

The entrance door 

The entrance door to our common area is open during our opening hours and when the reception is staffed. You unlock the entrance door to the office area with your tag. In addition to these times you use both your tag and code to unlock the doors. 

Our emergency exits

We have three emergency exits on the entrance level in the reception area. It is important to NEVER open the emergency exits except in the event of an evacuation. The emergency exits are always alarmed and if you open an emergency exit the alarm will be triggered. 

If you happen to trigger the alarm

Having a key to Mindpark and access to the Coworking space entails responsibility. If you don’t deactivate the alarm once it alerts, you will be charged SEK 1500 + VAT to cover the emergency fee 💸 . 

Our alarm is connected to Securitas and emergency calls are made immediately when the alarm is triggered. When Securitas receives information that the alarm has been triggered, they contact Amanda Holm Strandqvist (0734 -037 119). Contact her as soon as possible if you have triggered the alarm


You have received a tag and/or a key. The keys entails a responsibility 🔐 .
It is important that there are no unauthorized people here. If you let someone in, make sure to join them out as well. Don’t let anybody unknown in, tell them to contact the reception instead.

Please keep your tag safe and do not leave it to someone else. Anyone with a tag shall be registered at us and shall personally sign the key receipt. This helps us keep track of who has access to Mindpark.
Also, remember to leave your tag / key when you move out, otherwise you will be charged 200/1500 SEK.


The area/ outer shell protection

  • The property owner, Paulssons is responsible for the external shell protection and the alley. The alley is closed with gates at the entrances to Bytaregränd between 22.00-06.00. It is always possible for you to get out from the alley but not to get in during this time. 

Mindpark/inner shell protection

  • When Mindpark’s own staff leaves the premises on weekdays they make a routine check on the site to see that all doors are properly closed and that everything looks ok. If you see any deficiency, please contact the Mindpark team asap.
  • The last person leaving Mindpark’s reception area should always turn on the alarm. Automatic alarm activation is otherwise from 18.00 in the reception area and 20.00 in the office area. During weekends it is automatically on 24/7.
  • If you see anything suspicious you should always call the police (112) at first and to Amanda Holm Strandqvist, 0734- 037 119, in second hand 🕵️‍♀️  .


Inspect your insurance regarding office spaces. Remember that Mindpark do not insure your property, you are sitting here on my own terms.

General tips from police

Avoid leaving critical and valuable items during evenings / weekends.
Stationary computers and screens should be fasten in your desk with a wire.
Remember too close and lock the doors properly and alarm the building when you leave.

In case of fire

In each office part, there is an evacuation map and fire extinguishers. Please look where your nearest is, and where the exits are in the house.

When a fire alarm or a fire alarm exercise occurs, Mindpark’s meeting point is located at Bytaregatan 5 -7 (outside the alley on the street) 🔥 . The staff at Mindpark are responsible for everyone leaving the premises and are not allowed to let anyone in until the Rescue Service says it is ok to go back in. 

Internet and printers

There is wired internet at every desk and in every office. It works directly when you plug in the network cable. There is also wireless network called “Mindpark” – the password is 2hard2remember. There is also a guest wifi called Mindpark Guest without password.

The printer, copy, scanner is located in the reception area. It applies secure printing, which means that your printout is printed when you activate your tag agains the printers tag reader. The rent includes 30 prints (black and white A4) perp person/tag. If you want to print more, larger format or in color there is an additional cost that is invoiced to your company. 

To install the printer, download the appropriate driver which you’ll find at our website under news. If you have any problems ask the staff for help . 


To keep you all informed of what is going on Mindpark, there is a slack channel that works as our “intranet”. Slack channels are a simple and easy way to manage internal communication on. Here we share information about what’s going on Mindpark, you as an office guest can also share interesting things you want to make others aware of. Can be anything from lunch plans, to major events about your company.

The Slack channel is called Mindpark coworkers

You can also fallow us on instagram
Instagram: mindpark_workspace
LinkedIn: Mindpark

Mail and notice board

In addition to the Slack channel, we will occasionally email you the most important information. It is often a compilation of things that happened in the Facebook group. There are also notice boards in the kitchen and lunch area t where you can post information, relevant articles etc .

Media support / promotion

Does it happen interesting things within your business? Do you want to reach out to more people? Mindpark have a big network containing all the companies here and beyond 🗣.
A few tips how you can reach out to our network:
Post in the Facebook group, so that others can share it on external pages.
Write a press release. We have established contacts within the media and the Business Region (Näringslivskontoret) that we can send it too.
Prepare a presentation – there are sometimes opportunities to hold a business presentation at our activites.

We also have good contacts with other agencies that help companies, such as NyföretagarCentrum, Connect Skåne, Almi business partners and the City of Lund’s business office. We are happy to help!

Facilities, kitchens, coffee and credit list

To make Mindpark a good and pleasant workplace, we all need to contribute to keep things in order.

There is one kitchenette in the reception area, the ones in the office building are mainly for hand washing mugs, drinking water etc. All tenants are responsible for keeping these areas clean. In the kitchenette in the reception area please use the dishwasher; if it’s full please start it, if the dishes are clean, please unload the dishwasher. Clean up after yourself. The kitchenette also has a coffee maker, kettle, fridge and microwave. We are eating food at the tables in the lunch area and preferable not in the meeting rooms.

Coffee is available weekdays in the reception area. The coffee is free and included in the rent. Coffee is also free for your guests ☕️ .

You can shop on credit in our espressobar. You can have a private and/or one for your business. The credit list is located on the door of the fridge. To make it as smooth as possible for you just grab a soft drink in the fridge or candy and put it on the list. You can ask to get the credit list compiled and pay it with a 10% discount, whenever you want. Otherwise we will remind you every three months to pay it off. It is also possible to get an invoice for your company’s expenses.

We have a small shower in the reception area. Feel free to use it 🧖‍♂️ .

To make Mindpark function as a nice work environment, everyone need to help out to keep order. This includes: 

  • Fill and empty the dishwasher in the kitchenette.
  • Clean up after you
  • Load paper and replace the cartridges in the printer if they are empty. 
  • Throw away outdated papers and magazines in the common spaces. 
  • If you are talking on the phone or have shorter meetings in the common spaces please keep your voice down (except during lunch – chat away!). We recommend you to book a meeting room if you are having a meeting. 

Meeting Rooms

The meeting rooms at Mindpark can be used by you as a tenant as follows:

If there are any available, it can be booked free of charge on the same day. For 1-2 hours at the time. Book through the reception (lund@mindpark.se, 046 – 590 32 32).

Rooms can also be booked in advance with a 30 percent discount. (Prices on our website). Reservations in advance are made directly through the front desk or by email. The discount is also valid at all other Mindparks. 

20 – Hour Pass

We sell twenty hour cards that you can use to book our meeting rooms. When you use them there are no limit on how many hours you can book in a row. The card costs 2000 SEK +VAT. 

The rooms are booked through the reception (lund@mindpark.se, 046 – 590 32 32). We are also happy to help out with food and beverages.

We hold both regular and irregular events and activities here at Mindpark. The best way to keep track of them is through our Facbook page.

Some are only held for Mindpark tenants such as breakfasts and after works, and some are for the public. The internal events are a good way to get to know each other and network with your “neighbors” – that maybe leads to collaborations!

If you are interested in arranging a release party, a hackaton or any other event just talk to us 🥳 !


Let us know if you need a postbox. It is included in the rent for office and desks.

Postal address:
Your company name
c/o Mindpark Lund

Bytaregatan 4 D
222 21 Lund

The reception can receive your package during opening hours but note that we are not responsible for them. Please pick them up as soon as possible.


Tenants at Mindpark are allowed to bring their pets. The requirement is that they do not run loose and that they are in kind of well behaved. 🐶

Our website and links
We list all the companies that are tenants at Mindpark Lund at our website www.mindpark.se/lund. Every company get a short presentation and we link to your website. We are grateful if you link back to us!


If you notice something that doesn’t work or have other questions regarding the coworking space, please get in touch with the reception, mail your case to lund@mindpark.se or contact the crew!

Mindpark at other locations

Mindpark is also located in Helsingborg and Malmö (Hyllie and in the city) . If you want to know more about Mindpark and how you can use the different space talk to us and we’ll be happy to tell you all about it.

If you are visiting other Mindparks than your usual one it is free of charge to use the flex desks and drink coffee for a couple of days each month. 

With love/ Mindpark staff 💛


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