The alarm and security routines


As we are many who share the same premises, it is important that we all feel responsible to have knowledge of our alarms and security routines. Do not hesitate to ask Mindpark Crew if you have any questions or feel unsure.

Opening Hours
You find the opening hours for the public here.

As a coworker, you have access to the Coworking space around the clock, but this presupposes that you know our alarm routines, see below for instructions. The café closes about an hour before we lock the doors to the public.

Alarm routines
During our opening hours, you only need your tag to enter the Coworking space. Code is needed in addition to our regular opening hours. Then you may also need to set-off and on the alarm, so make sure you learn our alarm routines!

Evenings & weekends
Outside our opening hours, the alarm is on and the doors are locked. The alarm is on when the red lamp on the keypad lights up. To turn off the alarm and open the door: 

  • Press the “A” button (“A” as in “arrival”)
  • Hold your tag against the keypad
  • Press your code
  • A green light will show and the alarm is turned off
  • Open the door

If you are sitting in an office room during those hours, make sure that you hear when the sirens are sounding. Might be good to open your door and do not use headphones. 

To turn off the siren once it starts sounding 
If a loud siren sounds while you’re in the room, you need to turn it off. To turn off the alarm and open the door, do the following:

  • Get out of Mindpark through one of our front doors
  • Press the “A” button (“A” as in “arrival”)
  • Hold your tag against the keypad
  • Press your code
  • A green light will show and the alarm is turned off
  • Open the door.

You need to do this every time you here the siren.

Turning on the alarm 
If you are the last to leave the building, you should always turn on the alarm. After leaving Mindpark, do the following:

  • Press the “B” button on the keypad 
  • Hold your tag against the keypad
  • Press your code
  • The warning siren starts to sound – everything is in order
  • Red light is on and the alarm is on

The siren sounds to warn possible people who remain in the building so they have a chance to deactivate the alarm before it’s switched on. 

If you happen to trigger the alarm
Having a key to Mindpark and access to the Coworking space entails responsibility. If you don’t deactivate the alarm once it alerts, you will be charged SEK 1500 + VAT to cover the emergency fee. 

Our alarm is connected to Securitas and emergency calls are made immediately when the alarm is triggered. When Securitas receives information that the alarm has been triggered, they contact Madeleine Argelius (0703 43 56 26). Contact her as soon as possible if you have triggered the alarm.

You have received a tag (and) a key. The keys entail a responsibility.
Since we have many open areas with desks, it is important that there are no unauthorized people here. If you let someone in, make sure to join them out as well. Don’t let anybody unknown in, tell them to contact the reception instead.
Please keep your tag safe and do not leave it to someone else. Anyone with a tag shall be registered at us and shall personally sign the key receipt. This helps us keep track of who has access to Mindpark. Remember to leave your tag/key when you move out, otherwise, you will be charged 200 SEK (tag) /1500 SEK (key).

The building and courtyard
Between 4:00 p.m. to 7:30 am are the blue gates closed. Only people who work in the building have access to these.
Securitas patrol the area several times during the night.
The property owner has infrared cameras that monitor different zones of the area during the evening and at night.

Mindpark / Inner Perimeter
Before our staff leave Mindpark at 5:00 pm weekdays, they make a routine check-in the house to see that all doors are properly closed and that everything looks ok. If you find flaws on the entrances etc, please contact the Mindpark team asap.
The last person leaving Mindpark should always turn on the alarm. Automatic alarm activation is otherwise from 7.00 pm every hour on weekdays. During weekends it is on automatically 24/7.
If you see anything suspicious you should always call the police (112) in the first place, and secondly to Madeleine Argelius, Mindpark Manager, (0703 43 56 26).

Inspect your insurance regarding office spaces. Remember that Mindpark does not insure your property, you are sitting here on my own terms.

General tips from police

  • Avoid leaving critical and valuable items during evenings/weekends.
  • Stationary computers and screens should be fastened in your desk with a wire.
  • Remember to close and lock the doors properly and alarm the building when you leave.

In case of fire
In each office department, there is an evacuation plan and a fire extinguisher. Find out where your nearest is, as well as where you’ll find the emergency exits in the building. There is a defibrillator on the ground floor, it sits together with a fire extinguisher, on a pillar by the stairs.

Mindpark’s gathering place is in the courtyard, right at the southern entrance to the café. Mindpark’s staff are responsible for everyone leaving the premises and are instructed not to let anyone in until the rescue service gives ok.